
Минусовка «Inculto - Eastern European Funk (Lithuania)»

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Текст песни Eastern European Funk (Lithuania) (Inculto)

Performer: InCulto
Song title: Eastern European Funk
Song writer(s): InCulto
Song composer(s): InCulto

You've seen it all before
We ain't got no taste we're all a bore
But you should give us chance
Cause we're just victims of circumstance
We've had it pretty tough
But that's ok, we like it rough
We'll settle the score
Survived the reds and 2 world wars

Get up and dance to our Eastern European kinda funk!

Yes Sir we are legal we are, though we are not as legal as you
No Sir we're not equal no, though we are both from the EU
We build your homes and wash your dishes,
Keep you your hands all soft and clean
But one of these days you’ll realize Eastern Europe is in your genes

Get up and dance to our Eastern European kinda funk!

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