
Минусовка «Madonna - Beat Goes On»

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4.3 MB, 128 Kbps, бэк, текст

Текст песни Beat Goes On (Madonna)

Don't sit there like some silly girl
If you wait too long it'll be too late
I'm not telling you something new
There ain't no time to lose
It's time for you to celebrate

(So get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Get up, little girl
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
It's time, your world
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Your life, your choice
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
It's time, live it up

On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes

You don't have the luxury of time
You have got to say what's on your mind
Your head lost in the stars
You'll never go far
It's time for you to read the signs

(So get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Here comes, my hand
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Take it, you can
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
The time, is now
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
I'll show, you how

On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes
On and on, on the beat goes

Say what you like
Do what you feel
You know exactly who you are
The time is right now
You got to decide
Stand in the back or be the star

(So get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Here comes, my hand
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
Take it, you can
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
The time, is now
(Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat)
I’ll show, you how

I can't keep waiting for you
Anticipating that you've
No time to lose
I can't keep waiting for you


Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat
Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat now

On and on
Beat goes
On and on

Let's go, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat
Get down, beep beep, gotta get up outta seat

On and on
Beat goes
On and on
Beat goes
On and on
On and on
On and on

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