
Минусовка «Manga - We Could Be The Same (Turkey)»

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5.7 MB, 256 Kbps, текст

Текст песни We Could Be The Same (Turkey) (Manga)

You could be the one in my dreams
You could be much more than you seem
Anything I wanted in life

Do you understand what I mean?

I can see that this could be faith
I can love you more than they hate

Doesn’t matter who they will blame
We can beat them at their own game

I can see it in your eyes
It doesn’t count as a surprise
I see you dancing like a star
No matter how different we are

For all this time I’ve been loving you
Don’t even know your name

For just one night, we could be the same
No matter what they say

And I feel I’m turning the page
And I feel the world is a stage

I don’t think that drama will stop
I don’t think they’ll give up the rage

But i know the world could be great
I can love you more than they hate

Doesn’t matter who they will blame
We can beat them at their own game

I can see it in your eyes
It doesn’t count as a surprise
I see you dancing like a star
No matter how different we are

For all this time I’ve been loving you
Don’t even know your name

For just one night, we could be the same
No matter what they say

For all this time I’ve been loving you
Don’t even know your name

For just one night, we could be the same
No matter what they say

No matter what they say
No matter what they say

We could be the same
No matter what they say

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