
Минусовка «Nevergreen & Polina Griffith - Just Another Love»

Скачать минус песни «Nevergreen & Polina Griffith - Just Another Love», бесплатно в mp3 с текстом.

3.8 MB, 160 Kbps, ориг+бэк, текст

Текст песни Just Another Love (Nevergreen & Polina Griffith)

This is just another love song
Ordinary pop song
Words can not express what I feel

This is just another love song
New forget me not song
You are all that matters to me

I got something to say
But I guess I better wait
I think this not the right time and place
But I want you to know
Not right now but before we go
I pray that it won't be too late

I'm going to tell you when this song is over
I'm going to tell you when this song is through
What I'm going to tell you is for you ears only
Boy can I have a "4-letter-word" with you

This is just another love song
Ordinary pop song
Words can not express what I feel

This is just another love song
New forget me not song
You are all that matters to me

There is no better time than right now
Stick around and hear me out
This is not something I can sing in this song
Can I
Have a minute of your time
If I promise you it won't take too long

This is just another love song
Ordinary pop song
Words can not express what I feel

This is just another love song
New forget me not song
You are all that matters to me

I got something to say
But I guess I better wait
I think this not the right time and place
But I want you to know
Not right now but before we go
I pray that it won't be too late

I'm going to tell you when this song is over
I'm going to tell you when this song is through
What I'm going to tell you is for you ears only
Girl can I have a "4-letter-word" with you

This is just another love song
Ordinary pop song
Words can not express what I feel

This is just another love song
New forget me not song
You are all that matters to me

This is just another love song
Ordinary pop song
Words can not express what I feel

This is just another love song
New forget me not song
You are all that matters to me

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