
Минусовка «Tom Boxer - Brasil»

Скачать минус песни «Tom Boxer - Brasil», бесплатно в mp3 с текстом.

3.4 MB, 128 Kbps, master+бэк, текст

Текст песни Brasil (Tom Boxer)

When the sun goes down...

Refren : I like the way you move
U movin` all around
I like the way you look when the sun goes down
I like the way you move
Movin` all around
I like the way you dance when the sun goes down.

Refren : I like the way you move
U movin` all around
I like the way you look when the sun goes down
When the sun goes down, when the sun gows down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down, down...

I like the way you move
U movin` all around
I like the way you look when the sun goes down
I like the way you move
Movin` all around
I like the way you dance when the sun goes down
When the sun goes down

Yo move to the left, yo move to the right x4
You can have all the love in the world
You can have all the love in the universe, we are the universe...

When the sun goes down...

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